Hybrid and Basic Boost Controller Installation and Set-Up Instructions

Please read this and the FAQ, before attempting to install!

1. Never increase boost without the available fuel supply to support it. Please read the FAQ for details on monitoring your progress.
2. The controller is shipped at a low boost adjustment to protect your engine. Follow the instructions below to adjust it. Do not change the adjustment before installing the controller.
3. When adjusting the controller, you will find it necessary to uncoil the vacuum hose leading from the boost source to the controller. Do this by rotating the vacuum hose about the end of the controller.
4. Note that the controller has a very small orifice on the end with the elbow attached. It is located on the side of the elbow in one of the dimple recesses. This orifice must not be blocked if the controller is to operate correctly. (See Diagrams)

The Boost Controller FAQ

1Can I use the Boost Controller with my performance “chip”?
Yes, although the gains will probably be of a lower magnitude than those of unmodified cars. This is because many chip manufacturers have already raised the boost to the upper limit of what the factory fuel system can support. Additional gains can be found by using the Boost Controller if the chip manufacturer allows the boost signal to reach the wastegate before peak boost is achieved. This is usually the case, as the factory boost controller cannot respond fast enough to control “spiking”.
2Will you back up my factory warranty should I become overzealous and damage my engine?
Yeah, right! Unfortunately, carelessly increasing the boost without monitoring air/fuel ratios or exhaust temperature may damage your engine. For $35 it is not possible for us to accept responsibility for your actions should damage occur. However, there are many good exhaust temperature (Pegasus Racing has a good one) and air/fuel gages available (we have one), to monitor your progress. Check the values at WOT at stock boost levels and then slowly increase the boost. When you notice a drop in O2 sensor voltage, or a rapid increase in EGT, you have reached the limits of your computer’s capabilities. You will need to add more fuel. There are too many ways to do this to cover here. Get a good book on the subject. This same risk is present with an electronic controller or a chip. As those companies must also limit their responsibility, so must we. We will replace the controller with an identical one, should a defect in workmanship be discovered. One benefit of the Boost Controller is that it is easily removed should a warranty issue arise. However, we do not endorse this action as it would be dishonest.
3How high can I raise the boost?
Provided you have the fuel to accommodate the extra boost, the Boost Controller will allow you to raise the boost limit to over 15psi. Actual limits of the controller are dependent on variables, which include turbo size and wastegate actuator parameters. The included instructions describe methods to modify the controller, should you find that you are unable to reach your target boost with the stock controller configuration. Also, keep in mind that some turbo systems will cut fuel delivery above a preset factory limit, usually 14.7psi.

Note: Although most factory turbo systems will easily accept boost inceases of 20-30%, air/fuel mixtures should be monitored when raising boost above factory limits. This applies to any boost controller. It is a good idea to use one of the gauges mentioned above and raise the boost SLOWLY. Again, we can not be held responsible for damage caused by overzealous boost adjustment.

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